What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the five parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine – the other parts are herbs, nutrition, tuina and qigong/taichi.
Normally you put really fine needles (in Japanese style they are even finer) in different acupuncture points of the body to balance the persons individual state – for example to remove pain, improve digestion, harmonize menstruation and so force.
Acupuncture has a 1000s of years old history. In China acupuncture is a normal treatment and nothing strange or special as it still is in our culture. The majority of the points that are used are lying on meridians that are related to our corporal organs like liver, kidneys, heart etc. The decision which point is used within the treatment depends on the individual case of the person coming for treatment – it needs a profound anamnesis and diagnosis of pulse and tongue.
One common knowledge used in acupuncture is the usage of points that are far away from the area of pain or problem. The furthest points related to the problem zone have a really high effect.
Nowadays also other techniques are used to stimulate acupuncture points – for example infrared laser therapy (often used in children treatments) or even special tuning forks where you use sound and vibration on the same acupuncture points. This is especially wonderful for kids or people having fear of needles.
Part of an acupuncture treatment can also be other techniques dependent on the individual necessities, like MOXA, GUASHA or CUPPING.
Diseases/Problems that you can treat with acupuncture
The spectrum of the acupuncture is still a miracle for me and it really surprises me still. You can not only treat nearly all kinds of pain (also accompanying other treatments) but also lots of other problems and diseases.
Here a rough overview of the possibilities of acupuncture:
Different kinds of diseases of the locomotor system, for example acute and chronic pains, arthritis, arthrosis
Neurological diseases like migraine, tension headache, paralysis
Gastrointestinal problems like digestion problems, flatulence, constipation, irritable colon
Allergies, pulmonary diseases
Gynecology, menstruation, climacteric/menopause
Cardiovascular diseases like hypertension
Urologic diseases like cystitis
Skin diseases like atopic dermatitis
Psychosomatic diseases like Burnout, insomnia
(WHO list → http://www.evidencebasedacupuncture.org/who-official-position/)
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the five parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine – the other parts are herbs, nutrition, tuina and qigong/taichi.
Normally you put really fine needles (in Japanese style they are even finer) in different acupuncture points of the body to balance the persons individual state – for example to remove pain, improve digestion, harmonize menstruation and so force.
Acupuncture has a 1000s of years old history. In China acupuncture is a normal treatment and nothing strange or special as it still is in our culture. The majority of the points that are used are lying on meridians that are related to our corporal organs like liver, kidneys, heart etc. The decision which point is used within the treatment depends on the individual case of the person coming for treatment – it needs a profound anamnesis and diagnosis of pulse and tongue.
One common knowledge used in acupuncture is the usage of points that are far away from the area of pain or problem. The furthest points related to the problem zone have a really high effect.
Nowadays also other techniques are used to stimulate acupuncture points – for example infrared laser therapy (often used in children treatments) or even special tuning forks where you use sound and vibration on the same acupuncture points. This is especially wonderful for kids or people having fear of needles.
Part of an acupuncture treatment can also be other techniques dependent on the individual necessities, like MOXA, GUASHA or CUPPING.
Diseases/Problems that you can treat with acupuncture
The spectrum of the acupuncture is still a miracle for me and it really surprises me still. You can not only treat nearly all kinds of pain (also accompanying other treatments) but also lots of other problems and diseases.
Here a rough overview of the possibilities of acupuncture:
Different kinds of diseases of the locomotor system, for example acute and chronic pains, arthritis, arthrosis
Neurological diseases like migraine, tension headache, paralysis
Gastrointestinal problems like digestion problems, flatulence, constipation, irritable colon
Allergies, pulmonary diseases
Gynecology, menstruation, climacteric/menopause
Cardiovascular diseases like hypertension
Urologic diseases like cystitis
Skin diseases like atopic dermatitis
Psychosomatic diseases like Burnout, insomnia
(WHO list → http://www.evidencebasedacupuncture.org/who-official-position/)
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the five parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine – the other parts are herbs, nutrition, tuina and qigong/taichi.
Normally you put really fine needles (in Japanese style they are even finer) in different acupuncture points of the body to balance the persons individual state – for example to remove pain, improve digestion, harmonize menstruation and so force.
Acupuncture has a 1000s of years old history. In China acupuncture is a normal treatment and nothing strange or special as it still is in our culture. The majority of the points that are used are lying on meridians that are related to our corporal organs like liver, kidneys, heart etc. The decision which point is used within the treatment depends on the individual case of the person coming for treatment – it needs a profound anamnesis and diagnosis of pulse and tongue.
One common knowledge used in acupuncture is the usage of points that are far away from the area of pain or problem. The furthest points related to the problem zone have a really high effect.
Nowadays also other techniques are used to stimulate acupuncture points – for example infrared laser therapy (often used in children treatments) or even special tuning forks where you use sound and vibration on the same acupuncture points. This is especially wonderful for kids or people having fear of needles.
Part of an acupuncture treatment can also be other techniques dependent on the individual necessities, like MOXA, GUASHA or CUPPING.
Diseases/Problems that you can treat with acupuncture
The spectrum of the acupuncture is still a miracle for me and it really surprises me still. You can not only treat nearly all kinds of pain (also accompanying other treatments) but also lots of other problems and diseases.
Here a rough overview of the possibilities of acupuncture:
Different kinds of diseases of the locomotor system, for example acute and chronic pains, arthritis, arthrosis
Neurological diseases like migraine, tension headache, paralysis
Gastrointestinal problems like digestion problems, flatulence, constipation, irritable colon
Allergies, pulmonary diseases
Gynecology, menstruation, climacteric/menopause
Cardiovascular diseases like hypertension
Urologic diseases like cystitis
Skin diseases like atopic dermatitis
Psychosomatic diseases like Burnout, insomnia
(WHO list → http://www.evidencebasedacupuncture.org/who-official-position/)
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the five parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine – the other parts are herbs, nutrition, tuina and qigong/taichi.
Normally you put really fine needles (in Japanese style they are even finer) in different acupuncture points of the body to balance the persons individual state – for example to remove pain, improve digestion, harmonize menstruation and so force.
Acupuncture has a 1000s of years old history. In China acupuncture is a normal treatment and nothing strange or special as it still is in our culture. The majority of the points that are used are lying on meridians that are related to our corporal organs like liver, kidneys, heart etc. The decision which point is used within the treatment depends on the individual case of the person coming for treatment – it needs a profound anamnesis and diagnosis of pulse and tongue.
One common knowledge used in acupuncture is the usage of points that are far away from the area of pain or problem. The furthest points related to the problem zone have a really high effect.
Nowadays also other techniques are used to stimulate acupuncture points – for example infrared laser therapy (often used in children treatments) or even special tuning forks where you use sound and vibration on the same acupuncture points. This is especially wonderful for kids or people having fear of needles.
Part of an acupuncture treatment can also be other techniques dependent on the individual necessities, like MOXA, GUASHA or CUPPING.
Diseases/Problems that you can treat with acupuncture
The spectrum of the acupuncture is still a miracle for me and it really surprises me still. You can not only treat nearly all kinds of pain (also accompanying other treatments) but also lots of other problems and diseases.
Here a rough overview of the possibilities of acupuncture:
Different kinds of diseases of the locomotor system, for example acute and chronic pains, arthritis, arthrosis
Neurological diseases like migraine, tension headache, paralysis
Gastrointestinal problems like digestion problems, flatulence, constipation, irritable colon
Allergies, pulmonary diseases
Gynecology, menstruation, climacteric/menopause
Cardiovascular diseases like hypertension
Urologic diseases like cystitis
Skin diseases like atopic dermatitis
Psychosomatic diseases like Burnout, insomnia
(WHO list → http://www.evidencebasedacupuncture.org/who-official-position/)
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the five parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine – the other parts are herbs, nutrition, tuina and qigong/taichi.
Normally you put really fine needles (in Japanese style they are even finer) in different acupuncture points of the body to balance the persons individual state – for example to remove pain, improve digestion, harmonize menstruation and so force.
Acupuncture has a 1000s of years old history. In China acupuncture is a normal treatment and nothing strange or special as it still is in our culture. The majority of the points that are used are lying on meridians that are related to our corporal organs like liver, kidneys, heart etc. The decision which point is used within the treatment depends on the individual case of the person coming for treatment – it needs a profound anamnesis and diagnosis of pulse and tongue.
One common knowledge used in acupuncture is the usage of points that are far away from the area of pain or problem. The furthest points related to the problem zone have a really high effect.
Nowadays also other techniques are used to stimulate acupuncture points – for example infrared laser therapy (often used in children treatments) or even special tuning forks where you use sound and vibration on the same acupuncture points. This is especially wonderful for kids or people having fear of needles.
Part of an acupuncture treatment can also be other techniques dependent on the individual necessities, like MOXA, GUASHA or CUPPING.
Diseases/Problems that you can treat with acupuncture
The spectrum of the acupuncture is still a miracle for me and it really surprises me still. You can not only treat nearly all kinds of pain (also accompanying other treatments) but also lots of other problems and diseases.
Here a rough overview of the possibilities of acupuncture:
Different kinds of diseases of the locomotor system, for example acute and chronic pains, arthritis, arthrosis
Neurological diseases like migraine, tension headache, paralysis
Gastrointestinal problems like digestion problems, flatulence, constipation, irritable colon
Allergies, pulmonary diseases
Gynecology, menstruation, climacteric/menopause
Cardiovascular diseases like hypertension
Urologic diseases like cystitis
Skin diseases like atopic dermatitis
Psychosomatic diseases like Burnout, insomnia
(WHO list → http://www.evidencebasedacupuncture.org/who-official-position/)
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the five parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine – the other parts are herbs, nutrition, tuina and qigong/taichi.
Normally you put really fine needles (in Japanese style they are even finer) in different acupuncture points of the body to balance the persons individual state – for example to remove pain, improve digestion, harmonize menstruation and so force.
Acupuncture has a 1000s of years old history. In China acupuncture is a normal treatment and nothing strange or special as it still is in our culture. The majority of the points that are used are lying on meridians that are related to our corporal organs like liver, kidneys, heart etc. The decision which point is used within the treatment depends on the individual case of the person coming for treatment – it needs a profound anamnesis and diagnosis of pulse and tongue.
One common knowledge used in acupuncture is the usage of points that are far away from the area of pain or problem. The furthest points related to the problem zone have a really high effect.
Nowadays also other techniques are used to stimulate acupuncture points – for example infrared laser therapy (often used in children treatments) or even special tuning forks where you use sound and vibration on the same acupuncture points. This is especially wonderful for kids or people having fear of needles.
Part of an acupuncture treatment can also be other techniques dependent on the individual necessities, like MOXA, GUASHA or CUPPING.
Diseases/Problems that you can treat with acupuncture
The spectrum of the acupuncture is still a miracle for me and it really surprises me still. You can not only treat nearly all kinds of pain (also accompanying other treatments) but also lots of other problems and diseases.
Here a rough overview of the possibilities of acupuncture:
Different kinds of diseases of the locomotor system, for example acute and chronic pains, arthritis, arthrosis
Neurological diseases like migraine, tension headache, paralysis
Gastrointestinal problems like digestion problems, flatulence, constipation, irritable colon
Allergies, pulmonary diseases
Gynecology, menstruation, climacteric/menopause
Cardiovascular diseases like hypertension
Urologic diseases like cystitis
Skin diseases like atopic dermatitis
Psychosomatic diseases like Burnout, insomnia