Pilates is a physical and mental training system, through which it is intended to make people aware of correct body posture, giving body control and conditioning through stretching and muscle strengthening while improving flexibility and balance. .
What is it?
The Pilates method, or simply Pilates, is a physical and mental training system created at the beginning of the 20th century by Joseph Hubertus Pilates, who devised it based on his knowledge of different specialties such as gymnastics, traumatology and yoga, uniting dynamism and strength. muscle with mental control, breathing and relaxation.
What is it recommended for?
Pilates aims to make people aware of correct body posture, providing body control and conditioning through stretching and muscle strengthening while improving flexibility and balance. We will use a series of controlled exercises that help body and mind work in unison, gradually improving coordination, balance, body awareness, flexibility and general alignment.
A one-hour class twice a week with a monthly fee of €50