These are the activities we offer at AlteaSalut:
Physical and mental training system created at the beginning of the 20th century based on the knowledge of different specialties such as gymnastics, traumatology and yoga, uniting dynamism and muscular strength with mental control, breathing and relaxation.
Yoga is an ancient philosophy that promotes holistic health through exercises, breathing techniques, concentration, relaxation and meditation.
Gymnastics with proven therapeutic effects and a meditation in movement, the ORIGIN of all oriental martial arts. It has the characteristic of being a low to moderate impact aerobic exercise and is recommended as a form of rehabilitation and therapy.
Kyokushin Kando. Martial Arts. Children and adults system
Biodanza is a system that facilitates the integration between our thinking, feeling and acting, living in the here and now in harmony with ourselves, with others and with the world.
Disco Dance is a dance style that works the body in a comprehensive way, providing all the benefits of dance and dance for the health and general well-being of body-mind-spirit.
Oriental dance is one of the most beautiful ways of moving the female body with enormous therapeutic benefits on the physical and psycho-emotional level, unblocking tensions and emotions, improving coordination and positioning of the body, and can be practiced at any age.
Few dances in the world are so entirely feminine and dedicated to women enjoying their body, essence and femininity.